Le Coquelicot Blog
Popular fashion designer from Lima, Peru. Website serves as a fashion blog, offering latest style tips, information and trends.
Outcome: Rebuilt front end interface with a responsive design theme. Optimized content generation for faster and more efficient page load time. Linked social media platforms with web platform and online marketing tools

Socal Paella

Paella Catering company in Southern California. Specializing in hosting big party receptions.
Outcome: Delivered a website that offered the user a path to contact the company for catering quotes and showcased their elaborate menu.

Explorer Marine Services - Dive Department
Cleaning service company in San Diego, CA specializing in maritime boat hull cleaning.
Outcome: Built single page responsive website showcasing their services and contact information for price quotes and scheduling.

Brokmar Logistics
Broker and maritime freight dispatcher in South America. Servicing clients from all over the world.
Outcome: Deployed a multi language website (English and Spanish) with a responsive design. Organized business umbrella into 3 distinct business units inside the web platform.